Jaipur Mera Shehar as a group is gradually moving from ideation phase to more-of-action mode. Movie screening of the film "Leap of Faith" was the first step forward in this positive direction.
Jaipur Food and Farm group along with MELA came up with idea of organizing this event. AhimsaGram, Adityanath, Shrey, Krishna, Vidisha Saini offered an appetizing Potluck food/snack/drink variety spread for the film screening. It was an open event for everyone to join.
LEAP OF FAITH explores the lives of three families who are making sustainable choices by allowing the children to learn naturally at home, self healing and doing organic farming in three different cities in india. The film also takes its inspiration from Fukuoka's ideas of 'do nothing' and extends it to our daily lives.
Leap of faith was filmed 10 years ago, and the message resonates with the same intensity in present times. It acts as a great resource / tool for motivation for people who are keen in exploring alternate ways of living. It also brings up and makes us question some of fundamental concepts related to health, nature, learning and unlearning, that we have been wrongly taught by various institutions.
Watch the full movie -
Shammi Nanda, the director of the film, along with few crew members were present during the screening. Post screening, the group had a profound discussion on Unschooling, homeschooling, and the importance of bringing out such stories through the medium of films. Many people expressed their dissatisfaction towards the current schooling system and conversed about how to support each other during the journey of exploring new paths towards a more sustainable society. To know more about Shammi, visit -