Life has its own beautiful ways...
DARIYA DIL DUKAAN……….Aamod ki Jubaan…

Aamod Kumar Karmaksh is a 22years old young and promising
individual pursuing Bachelors in Architecture from Malaviya National Institute
of Technology, Jaipur. He was born and brought in Nalanda district, Bihar.
Struggling with the fast pace of life after shifting from a small town to a big
city brought turbulence to his simple lifestyle. He felt pressurized by the
stiff competition, fight for high scores and ranks, students politics etc.
Much disturbed by this horrific experience he came across the
“minimalistic approach” to life which appealed to him and he began to explore
it more. As he began his research on the same, he met certain people, got more
familiar with the concept and finally joined the concept- “Dariya Dill Dukaan” started
by Mr. Manish Jain in Shikshantar, Udaipur. Further Deepa Piplani conducted
this campaign at a Pan India Level.
CONCEPT: The main concept of this campaign is- the lesser you
have, the happier you are. You can also say that the motive of this campaign is
that if an individual has something in surplus and is not using it, he can
share it with people who need it more than him. Thus, a minimalistic approach
to life. For example, if someone has extra woollens which he/she does not need,
he can pass it on to someone who needs it more.
Dariya Dil Dukaan provides a platform for people to adopt
this approach and practise it in their day to day routine, it can be either a
material good or any service which one wants to offer to the other.
Aamod was touched with the concept and wanted to lead this
campaign with Mumal in Jaipur and popularize the same in the city as he felt
that this is the only city that has still preserved a high level of heritage
and provides a platform to welcome such concepts more willingly.
Now Aamod feels that he is gaining back the lost momentum of
his life and feels great inner peace leading and living this concept himself
personally. Through Unconference he has found a more concrete forum to reach
out to a larger audience and share his leanings and experience after joining
Dariya Dil Dukaan.