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Jaipur Mera Shehar

Re-imagining Jaipur

Nature has it's OWN WAYS...

By 17:09

-Ever wondered how our ecological systems are managed? 
-Have you thought how important our Holy Cows are? 

Lets hear out Deepti's views on on natural cycle of our Mother Earth.


 " Our widespread and long term use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers is creating large scale barren soils.
Having studied botany from Raj University and Civil Engineering from Columbia University I was aware that the natural cycles of the earth- the carbon cycle and the water cycle are malfunctioning  on a global level. 
After much study and understanding I have come to the conclusion that the  the only reasonably cost effective and relatively quick way to restore the health of soil  on a larger scale is to keep the cows on the land. Much the way Krishna kept them.

Our Holy Scriptures talk about Krishna having  9 Lakh cows and Radha's father having 12 Lakh.
And what I would like people to know is that they did not keep cows for just their milk.
Their was a much bigger, more important reason.
They were using the cows to manage their ecology. The cows went grazing everyday to a different piece of forest land and every place these cows moved from, they left behind their mutra(urine) and gobar (cow dung) in huge quantities. What grass they could not eat was trampled and pressed into the soil as mulch. These 2 acts by the cows had an enormous effect on maintaining the quality of the soil.

In the cow dung and urine left behind by the cows, were millions of micro organisms from the cow's rumen, which then fed the insects, the birds and the other small animals around. All the droppings from the cows, birds and other wild animals acted as a manure and fed the grasses, shrubs and trees that helped to create a healthier forest. All the vegetation led to an increase in the carbon in the soil as well as in forests and grasslands the soil supported. All this carbon came from the Carbon Dioxide in the  atmosphere.

Without the thick vegetation and the rich soil bank the carbon has ended up now in our atmosphere. 
And the what remains is desertifying soils and rising carbon dioxide levels. This is the carbon in the air (in the form of carbon dioxide) that is causing climate upheaval.
Hence the carbon cycle is disrupted.

Now more the carbon in the soil ie. rich healthy soil acts as a sponge and collects and stores the water that falls on it as rain and later releases this water through out the year, even long after the monsoons are over. This process allows our streams and rivers flow perennially. Because of such life nurturing contribution by the cows, they are venerated in our culture.

For me the link is clear.

Cows mean clean water,
Cows mean clean and healthy food,
Cows mean stable climate,
Cows mean clean air,
Cows mean forests and ecologically healthy ecosystems,
Cows mean healthy soils,

And in the end Cows can mean delicious milk, ghee, chaach etc". 

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