The spirit of Circular Dances
An offering from Rahul Hasija at the Jaipur unConference
Once upon a time, above the big brown land and under the big blue sky, there flew a tiny little spirit. She floated, floated, and floated in the air and possessed whomsoever she met on the chair. The possessed did nothing but danced – danced with great joy and exhilaration, unaware and alarmed. It danced, day and night, left and right, and possessed everyone, meek and might, heavy and light.
We invite you to be possessed by ‘The spirit of Circular Dances' – an introductory workshop to experience dances in a totally different dimension. Dance is such a sacred act of connecting with self, others and the Earth, but the contemporary world marginalizes it to just a ‘performance’ and revere those who are ‘good dancers’. This workshop is aimed at challenging this notion and it brings together some of the folk circular dances from around the world and creates a space for everyone to experience the joy of dancing in a community. We would learn few of the folk circular dances and practice it so that you can take it forward and share it with others.
These dances are a great source of bringing together a group, team or a community and it is a great tool for those who are working with youth, children, families, or any group. This workshop is also for those who feel (and often say) ‘I don’t know how to dance’.
About the workshop Facilitator
Rahul Hasija has been exploring self-expression through mediums of writing, blogging, dancing, story-telling, theatre, and traveling for last 6years. Associated with Swaraj University as a facilitator for last 3 years, Rahul helps in creating a safe space for learners to share their personal stories, develop facilitation tools and hosts sessions on team-building, cooperative games, circular dances, reconnecting with the ancestral roots, rethinking-development and connecting with the nature. He has worked with quarterly magazine ‘Eternal Bhoomi’ as a sub-editor and layout artist. He is the translator and editor of two books – ‘Narmada – the river of joy’, and ‘The original forest’. And he has written several short stories mostly depicting childhood experiences and re-thinking development.
Visioning a harmonious and contented world, Rahul believes in simple, less-consumption oriented living and is also exploring community and sustainable living. He envisions spaces where stories, music and dances travel into our hearts, thereby nurturing and sustaining a more harmonious earth.
You can follow some of his expressions at http://thefreedomwalker.