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Jaipur Mera Shehar

Re-imagining Jaipur

Making our own path....

By 13:20

Swaraj University

What if you walk into a university to find out that there are no classrooms, teachers, degrees, curriculum, and exams? Above all, you even see people learning joyfully in their own ways, involving their head-heart-hands, doing in their lives what interests them the most. Welcome to this place of learning and unlearning called Swaraj University, which for last 6 years has been providing platform for youth to identify their hearts’ vision and engage them in developing the skills and practices they need to manifest that vision.

Unfortunately, due to pressures of society, family, media, and education system, youth today are devoid of acceptance at every level. In the tender age of 15-27, a lot changes in the life of a youth which they need to cater to – there are struggles with parents on career & livelihood; that is when they begin tryst with relationships and love; there are a lot of bodily changes, one also begins to question their role in the society, or find purpose of life. Unfortunately, our education system pays little attention on all these aspects of life. The only focus is on career and livelihood.

At Swaraj University, we support khojis (that's what learners call themselves) to start, create and reclaim self-designed learning processes, provide a safe space to the learners to walk their path with other co-travelers and take responsibility of their emotional well-being, engage them with many unlearning challenges to help them out of their comfort zones and build deeper perspectives for regenerating self, soil and society. We also connect them with a wide network of individuals and organizations that provide internship, mentoring and work opportunities, support them to discover, articulate and work towards shifts that our world needs today and give the opportunity to translate dreams and passions into real and sustainable livelihood possibilities.

A few khojis and team members of Swaraj University would be present at the 

Jaipur Learning City unConference and would be glad to share their experiences.

Looking forward to see you at this exciting event...

 To know more about the University click here and to know more about what some of our khojis are upto Explore here

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