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Jaipur Mera Shehar

Re-imagining Jaipur


By 13:54

This is the offering from our friends Sanjeevani, Shekhar and their kids Sidhanth and Raaya at the Unconference. If you want to understand Unschooling, Gratitude and Gift-culture deeply,
 this will be a great opportunity to start with.

Life learning : We are an unschooling family. The "unschooling" term relates to the part where our children have chosen to stay home and not go to a conventional school. We as parents are choosing to look at ourselves with new understanding of the conditioning that we have been accustomed to. Our journey has been to gently look at our conditional thinking. We are a family believing in 'Life Learning'. We as a family as well as individuals learn through daily experiences in our lives, interacting with our surroundings and lovely people we meet everyday. We believe that every person shines when honored, respected, celebrated,and loved for exactly who they are.
During the unconference, we wish to put up the books on unschooling that have been our guiding lights, a chart or two about peaceful and connection parenting & want to invite over people to share their experiences & learnings. Through discussions we look forward to exploring the beauty of life learning, peaceful connections and celebrate the journey.

GRATITUDE : As a family, we are exploring the feeling of 'Gratitude' for all the small & big things in our lives. Expressing gratitude is helping us focus on all the positives in our lives. Appreciation of 'what is' brings in more appreciation & more & more.... Combined with the 'Law of Attraction', it attracts more such things/ incidences. During the unconference, we wish to share our experiences with the audience at our stall. We wish to take away more strategies to adopt in our lives to express gratitude & appreciation for all the things in our lives which make it worthy in every which way.

GIFT CULTURE: This concept is still new in our lives. Our minds are deeply ingrained in cash exchange for goods & services. Having been introduced to the basic tenets of 'Gift Culture' we have been intrigued with lot of questions & queries in our minds. We explore this journey by exchanging 'Home Made Chocolates & Lemonade' for the gifts in any form. We would be offering  hand made chocolates & home made lemonade at our stall to all. In exchange, we would request them to offer us whatever they can - their skills, knowledge, books, goods, money etc.

  • To learn more about Parenting Resources online, please Click Here
  • Gratitude and Appreciation are also an important part of out life and to understand it deeply, Click Here

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  1. I am deeply thankful for your family to host this event at jaipur Unconfenrence. I am very much interested to be there at your stall...............for the Lemonade..:)
